According to reports, YouTube has contributed around $16 billion to the US economy (GDP) in 2019. This equals around 345,000 full-time jobs in the country, as per reports from Oxford Economics. Over the past three years, Wojcicki said that creators have been diversifying their revenue streams as well. As per the CEO, creator revenues from YouTube features like Super Stickers, Super Chats, and membership subscriptions tripled in 2020. Moreover, the number of channels under the company’s Partner Program doubled last year. Going forward to 2021, Susan Wojcicki also mentioned some key steps the company is planning to take to improve the platform for creators. She said that the company will be more transparent about its creator-focused policies and will make the appeals process more efficient. The company is also looking urging creators in the States to share details about their gender, ethnicity, race, and sexual orientation if they are willing to share them. This, according to the company, will help “to understand what’s happening at scale for different communities on YouTube”, and improve the video site as a whole.