Drop Location & Mode of Payment Visibility for Ola Drivers

Ola’s co-founder and CEO Bhavish Aggarwal recently took to Twitter to answer, well, the “2nd most popular question” of why Ola drivers abruptly cancel rides for passengers. In the tweet, Aggarwal included a video, announcing a new feature for Ola’s driver-partners on the Ola Driver app. The new feature will enable drivers to view the approximate drop location of passengers and the mode of payment before accepting a ride. You can check out the tweet right below. Addressing the 2nd most popular question I get – Why does my driver cancel my Ola ride?!!We’re taking steps to fix this industry wide issue. Ola drivers will now see approx drop location & payment mode before accepting a ride. Enabling drivers is key to reducing cancelations. pic.twitter.com/MFaK1q0On8— Bhavish Aggarwal (@bhash) December 21, 2021
With this feature, drivers will get an idea of the drop location of passengers when they get a booking. This is to help them plan their ride accordingly before they accept the booking. Furthermore, as many drivers prefer cash payments over digital payments and vice-versa, the Ola Driver app will now show the mode of payment chosen by passengers to drivers before they accept a booking.
The drop location visibility and the payment mode visibility features are currently rolling out to drivers across the country. Aggarwal says that enabling these features for drivers is the “key to reducing cancelations.” So, what do you think about the enhanced visibility of drop locations and mode of payment for Ola drivers? Do you think other companies like Uber should also implement this to reduce cancelation from drivers? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.