Check Out This Internet Explorer Gravestone That Went Viral!

Jung Ki-young is a Korea-based software engineer who had a love-hate relationship with the browser. So, following the recent death of Internet Explorer, Ki-young spent a month, designing a classy gravestone for the browser.
After designing the stone with the original “e” logo and the phrase: “He was a good tool to download other browsers”, the engineer spent 430,000 won (~Rs 25,950) to build it. The memorial was shown off at his brother’s cafe situated in Gyeongju, Korea.
The Korean engineer went on to state that he had to work much harder to make his apps and websites look good on Internet Explorer. And as most Korean government organizations and banks still use Internet Explorer for daily internet browsing, Ki-young’s clients kept asking him to keep his websites and apps optimized for Explorer.
“It was a pain in the ass, but I would call it a love-hate relationship because Explorer itself once dominated an era,” Ki-young told the publication Reuters. He also mentioned that with the gravestone, he wanted to give people a good laugh. However, the amount of attention it garnered on the internet surprised Jung. “That’s another reason for me to thank the Explorer, it has now allowed me to make a world-class joke,” Jung said. “I regret that it’s gone, but I won’t miss it. So its retirement, to me, is a good death,” he further added.
Well, I don’t know about you but I would like to visit the cafe where the memorial for Internet Explorer is placed. After all, it was the most-used web browser of all time, even though most of us only used it to download Google Chrome or its alternatives, just as Jung mentioned on the gravestone. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned for more such interesting tech stories.