However, it seems there is a new bug in iOS 14 that automatically resets the default email and web browser apps to the Mail app and Safari respectively any time the third party app of choice gets an update. What that means is if you’ve set Gmail as your default email app, it will automatically reset back to the Mail app whenever the Gmail app is updated from the App Store. It’s an irritating, and frankly a little funny continuation to the third party default app saga on iOS 14. For the unaware, there was originally a bug in iOS 14 that used to reset default apps back to stock Apple applications on every reboot. That bug is seemingly fixed with iOS 14.1 that was released recently, but this new issue is reportedly still not fixed. Hopefully Apple will release a fix for this annoying bug with iOS 14.2, but there’s no official confirmation on that right now. So, have you faced this bug on your iPhone, or are you using the default Apple apps anyway? Let us know in the comments.