In a press release announcing the joint operations with local police in the two cities, Xiaomi said: “Over 3000 products consisting of mobile back cases, headphones, power banks, chargers, and earphones, were found. The shop owners from both the cities were arrested for allegedly selling fake Mi India products worth Rs 24.9 lakh and 8.4 lakh respectively”. The operation was reportedly part of Xiaomi’s anti-counterfeit program, and was conducted in October and November. According to the company, the raids were carried out by police officers and Xiaomi representatives following complaints filed with local police stations about a number shopkeepers in the region dealing in counterfeit Xiaomi products. The raids come almost exactly a year after fake Xiaomi devices estimated to be worth over Rs. 13 lakhs were seized from four suppliers in Gaffar Market in Delhi. According to reports back then, police officers from the Central District Karol Bagh Police Station seized over 2000+ fake Xiaomi products from four shop owners who were subsequently arrested for their illicit business. With the scourge of counterfeiting increasing by the day, buyers will do well to stick to reputable outlets while buying electronics goods. So the next time you buy a Xiaomi product offline, do ensure that you have a genuine product rather than a counterfeit one, which might pose a grave danger to your safety.