Apple Patents an Intelligent Switching for Notification Delivery

According to a recent report by AppleInsider, Apple recently filed a new patent, titled “Switching between watches and other accessories,” which hints at a new system to intelligently switch to an active device to show current notifications. While the patent is focused on Apple Watch models and other accessories, the Cupertino giant could further develop it to make it available for all of its devices, including MacBooks, iPhones, iPads, and Macs.
If the technology is further developed, the devices under Apple’s integrated ecosystem will be able to detect which device a user is currently using and intelligently redirect notifications to that device instead of delivering them to all the devices simultaneously.
So, in the future, when a notification is delivered while you are working on your Mac with all your Apple devices nearby, it will only be redirected to your Mac as it will be the active one.
For those unaware, a similar system already exists for people who own multiple Apple Watch models. If you pair more than one Apple Watch with your iPhone, you will get an “Auto Switch” option in the Watch app. Enabling this will automatically lock the first Apple Watch model as soon as you take it off your wrist and will switch to the secondary model when you put that on. With the new patent, this functionality will be further enhanced and your Apple Watch models will be able to communicate with each other and detect which one is currently active or worn by you. Hence, a new notification will be delivered only to the active Apple Watch model instead of the inactive one.
As for the availability of the feature, it is currently unclear if Apple will introduce such a feature as it is still a patent. Although, it will safely be a welcome change. So, what do you think about Apple’s new patent on the new auto-switching feature for notifications? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.